Telling an environmental story

Telling an environmental story

Panel Discussion on the use of documentary and animation to convey an environmental issue in conjunction with Clean Coasts with Vincent Hyland (Nature documentary maker), Martha Farrell (Maharees Conservation association) and Sinead Mccoy (Clean Coasts)

Martha Farrell

Martha is secretary of the Maharees Conservation Association. Maharees Conservation Association was formed in early 2016 to address the adverse impact of Coastal Erosion by raising awareness and putting in place practical measures and a comprehensive management plan to ensure the future of the coastline for all to enjoy. It is an active Clean Coasts group and won Clean Coasts Group of the year in 2017.

Vincent Hyland

Vincent is the founder of Wild Derrynane and is a multi-award winning wildlife film maker, naturalist and outdoor educationalist. He has, for 20 years, been recording the areas coastal plant and animal biodiversity above and below the water. He possesses the single biggest photographic, audio and video archive available to the area.

Sinead McCoy

Sinead is the Coastal Community Manager with Clean Coasts; working to promote and protect our Irish coastline. She has been working with An Taisce Environmental Education Unit for 8 years and has an MSc in Sustainable Development from DCU.